Monday, January 10, 2011

There's money to be saved (and not spent) EVERYWHERE!

This will be a quick post.

Today, I arrived in Memphis for work but we conveniently had to work from the hotel lobby because of course with less than ANY snow, the entire city shut down. While in the lobby, I saw a quick snippet of the Clark Howard segment on HLN.

As most of you know, the social security payroll tax has been lowered from 6.2% for employees to 4.2% for employees in 2011. What does this mean? Basically, more money in your pocket. Analysts estimate that the average taxpayer can expect about an extra $2,000 to take home during 2011. Howard's suggestion on his segment was that instead of spending this extra it...and guess where he suggested you save it?! Yeppers, a Roth IRA. Tooold ya so! He mentioned that some Roth's allow you to contribute as low as $50 a month.

I realllly love this idea. So after I finish building my emergency savings fund with that extra cash, I'm going to take him up on that suggestion. You should too! Even if you don't want to put it in a Roth...just try to set that money aside in a savings account instead of spending it. You'd be amazed at how you wouldn't even realize you're missing it.

Oh and btw: I'm SUPER excited to see how much my check has increased on the 15th. Super excited to SAVEEEEEE!

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