We all know that paying extra on your loans is the best way to get rid of them as quickly as possible and avoid exorbitant amounts of interest. But for someone who already pays over 50% of one paycheck on her student loan payments, there's just not much room for extras to Sallie Mae. Therefore, I've gone through a series of emotional breakdowns and finally resolved that I will be paying back my loans until I'm about 50 years old. The fact that the Obamas just finished paying off their school loans realllly makes me feel like there is an end in sight.
Even though I've dealt with this fate...I still look for ways to pay extra on my loans every month.
- Additional job means additional money for loans. Since I work a ton and travel a ton, I can't pursue a 2nd job unfortunately. However, I do babysit on some weekends for money that I vow to put towards my loans. Whether it's $30 of $100...every little bit counts.
- Gifts Gifts Gifts. I told myself that for Christmas I would ask my entire family to contribute to my loans instead of buying me presents but let me just say, I fell short this past Christmas. But I'm committed to making that more of a reality in 2011.
- Bonuses Bonuses Bonuses. I do work a job that surprises me with extra money from time to time. So whether it's a random $100 spot bonus for a job well done on a project or an extra $1000 at year end because the big guys want to give us a pat on the back...I put all of towards my loans (or savings).
- Tax Return. Here's another place where extra money pops up. The IRS might as well write the check directly to Sallie Mae.
What are some ways you contribute extra to your loan payments? Share with the group..give us more ideas!
P.S. If you EVER have the opportunity to live at home for close to free...GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND DO IT! Being able to use that money to pay down loans quickly will give you a peace of mind your parents can't ever take away!
I LOVE this post! I definitely struggle between putting the money from my consulting jobs toward my "good" debt (the mortgage) or saving it. I think that once I get a solid six months of income stashed aside, then I'm putting everything toward the mortgage. Home-ownership or not, debt is debt!
ReplyDeleteI love this post! So true! I hate the term "good debt". Debt is debt to me! No one can harrass me with phone calls or letters if I owe them nothing!