Friday, January 14, 2011

Keeping Me Honest

So today was my first pay day of 2011. I have been looking forward to this day for approximately 14 days because I was excited to see how much my pay check would increase due to the lowered Soc. Sec. payroll tax. Instead of doing the calculation early on so I will know exactly what I have coming (like I normally do), I decided to surprise myself. Boy was I happy when I woke up to my pay stub email on my Blackberry this morn! A whopping $45 extra dollars ON DECK! After I got over my excitement, I remembered what I said I'd do with this money. Save it. So 10% goes to the Head of my life and the rest gets added to my automatic transfer to my savings account. This took my excitement level down a notch but it does feel sorta good to do something responsible with this extra money. Honestly, if it wasn't for this blog, I may have convinced myself that $80 extra per month in savings wouldn't make that big a fact it may have needed to go to my monthly spa fund...and I probably would've completely forgotten that 10% is supposed to go to my tithes! But lucky for me...I have you guys to keep me honest :-)

heheh - like my graphic additon? I really want this blog to be more than words. However, there aren't a lot of interesting pictures about finances soooo I'm still working the kinks out on that one.

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