Let's be honest, there are two holidays that (as an adult) are only for the purpose of partying: St. Patty's and Halloween. St.Patty's I love. Halloween I hate.
Halloween costumes are the most expensive cheap thing I've ever seen in my life. Most of them are made out of something close to plastic (have you ever, EVER, seen a high quality Halloween costume?) but they cost you approximately $30-$40-$50 + shipping and handling (because the really good ones probably aren't in stores). St. Patty's only requires a little green and a lot of beer. Both cheap options for me and just as fun.
Why would you ever waste your money on a Halloween costume?
New Years' Eve
Can someone please calculate (and post) how much money they spend on NYE...because I couldn't find a stat but I'm sure if people really calculated it, they would realize it is hardly the most fun they have all year but probably the most they pay to have fun all year. In fact, NYE might be the worst night ever to go out becauseeee:
- Every establishment charges an arm and a leg to get in. They make you think it's worth it because there's food and open bar but really that is just a ploy to help millions of not-so-smart people rationalize why it's remotely okay to spend $70-200 on cover to a club. Club goers say: "welllll I would spend that much including cover and drinks anyway, and I mean, it's NYE."
- Do you really consume enough drinks at a club on NYE to rationalize the crazy amount you paid for your ticket? I think not. We all know that the bar is so flipping crowded that it takes you at least 15 minutes to get one measly drink. The club owners usually put the kibosh on double fisting and you and your friends end up either making some elaborate scheme to figure out how you can maximize your alcohol intake, or become really annoyed and pissed at the barrage of people you have to fight through for one (included) drink. So most of you (admit it) pregame enough to make sure you only need a few drinks at the "open bar" because you know that filthy bar line could completely ruin your night. You learned your lesson on depending on that open bar last year right?
- Or, or, or, an alternative to the above is arriving at the party extremely early...likeeee 8:30/9 and soaking up as much alcohol as you can before it gets super crowded. But oh, by the time midnight hits, your feet are hurting, you're sweaty, you are almost starting to lose your buzz (and don't want to be bothered with the barrage of people at the bar because that's what you came early to avoid in the first place) andddd you realize...all of this still...is an ultimate FAIL.
- A new outfit is a must. Would anyone dare be seen in anything they already have in their closet? But I don't know why not...because NYE is easily the messiest club night of the year. Does anyone live by the 3-foot bubble rule? Well not on NYE you don't. Everything is jam packed, crowded, smushed, cramped, extremely annoying. This means more folks bumping into you, spilling on you, sweating on you and just overall touching you (and not in a good way).
Maybe you can do better next year.