Thursday, November 3, 2011


As you can tell, I’ve been struggling with writing lately. I think I finally figured out why: my finances aren’t all there is to my life. And what I mean by that is…for the past few months, I’ve had a crap load of other things to concern myself with and in dealing with those things, the time I could devote to researching, reading up on, and writing about financial stability had to take a major back seat.

It finally occurred to me late one night that this is okay. It’s okay if I can’t always write about financial stuff. Anddddd… it is okay if I broaden the intensely pointed premise of my blog currently and allow it to become more well-rounded and inclusive of my life.  After all, I AM 25.

One of my favorite bloggers,  sofullsista (who also happens to be one of my wonderful line sisters), advised me early on that there will be long hiatuses, bumps in the writing-road, and complete direction changes with my blog. They are all necessary for it to grow and reach it’s full potential.

Well here’s my first major revamp. I am still 25 and retiring, but now…you’ll get to see a bit more of the 25 year old J

1 comment:

  1. I've been EXXXXXXXTRA behind on my blog reading, but I do look forward to more posts. And you're totally right - your blog is for YOU, you want it to reflect whatever gets you writing and excited. Thanks for the shout out too! :)
