Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Secret to Life...

Is not

Under the advice of one of my closest buds, I recently read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. I would highly recommend any remotely spiritual person to pick it up. It's a really good book about the Law of Attraction (LoA) being the Secret to a happy, prosperous, and successful life. Don't think of the LoA simply in terms of relationships, but think about it in all facets of life. Think of it as "whatever I think, will become."

The book proclaims (and provides some evidence in the form of quotes from these individuals) that the most successful inventors and businessmen, knew this secret. As such, they were able to create things that no one else could even imagine..the light bulb, the telephone, the iPod, you get my drift...all because they did it with their minds first.

For me, the book just really made me aware of the power of my thoughts. The fact that if I think, repeatedly, that there are no "good Black men" or "all men are cheaters and liars" those things will be true time and time again for me. On the other hand, if I focus my thoughts on positive things..."I will have a very successful marriage," "I will be making a six-figure salary by 30," those things will be true for me.

There's more that goes along with the premise. The book goes deeper into things and there's a ton of repetition. But I think it's a good book to 1) read and 2) have on your bookshelf for trying times for a reminder to keep it positive.

One of my favorite quotes from the book, which I've saved as my iPhone wallpaper:

"...there is an affirmation that incorporates every single thing any human being can want, and this affirmation will bring about harmonious conditions to all things. The affirmation is this: "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.""

I. Can. Dig it.

p.s. I know I'm late, this book is old, it was on Oprah, and lots of folks have read it...BUT if I hadn't heard of it that means someone else hadn't AND if you have read it, maybe you should pick it up again.

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