Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year...Continuous Journey

Happy 2012! 

2012 marks one year for 25andretiring. Wow.

Through it all, I am so proud of what I've been able to accomplish and I am looking forward to another year of even bigger and better from me.

Most people associate the new year with new beginnings. Normally I would take this stance. However, 2011 was such an amazing year that instead of starting anew, I would like to continue the journey I started in 2011.

I hope that whichever stance you take, you've spent the time to reflect on the past 365 days and pull from them things that made you a more exceptional person, and leave behind any and all pain, anxiety, worry or fear. This is the year to be fearless, powerful, loving, harmonious, strong and happy. This is the year of 25!

Peace and Blessings to you and yours. Happy New Year!

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