Monday, December 3, 2012

Hurry Up, Don't Let That Clock Stop!

I know I haven't written in a while, but yesterday I realized something that I would like to share.

Does life get boring in your late-20s? So I've felt likeeee, okay what's next? For maybe the last few months. I don't think I really knew what the feeling was though...until yesterday.

I feel like calling life boring is one of those things you shouldn't be allowed to say because everyone alive is blessed to be that way...but what happens when the clock periodically stops...or slows all the way down?

Think about it, from approximately 13 - 23+ years of age, you're on this series of short (or long) stints:
  • high school
  • college
  • grad school (optional)
  • job #1 (optional)
  • career change
  • relocating (even if back home)
  • marriage (optional)
  • kids (optional)
All of these activities/stages of life require tons of hard work and they all come with a nice little end result (prize):
  • diploma
  • degree
  • another degree (optional)
  • salary for the first time in life
  • a fresh start (in what we actually wanted to do, but didn't know til now)
  • someone to go through life with (optional, this isn't a prize for all of us, LOL)
  • another person to go through life with, which you created (again, what I said above)
 But what happens when you're done with all of that...or at intermission? I haven't completed all of the "stints", but I'm at a stopping point of sorts. All of the prizes I wanted to have by now, I have.  The ones I don't, I still look forward to attaining one day but I'm not exactly ready to for them at the present moment. Essentially, that leaves me nothing to go after right now and that is... boring.

I had a job I didn't like, I found one I like.
I didn't know exactly where I wanted to live, I found an apartment I love.
The fam is cool.
Friends are cool.
Dating is....ehhh hard but cool. Just chillin.
Everything is cool. How boring is that?!

But how blessed is that, at the same damn time?! Talk about internal conflict...

Some people, and a lot of my friends seems to be doing just this, take time to just party, be wasteful and live by the ever-so-popular, YOLO. That isn't fulfilling to me. It's fun for like a minute...and then I'm ready for something more challenging.

Is this just me? Or are you at this awkward intermission without an exact end date too? I don't doubt that the ride will begin again momentarily (it never stops for long). I'm just wondering whether I'm supposed to not-so-much enjoy this like I am...or am I supposed to embrace it because once it ends, the ride starts right back up, complete with long scary drops, fun flips and deep dives...and once that happens, I'll be hoping I had appreciated this intermission a bit more.

Is it then safe to say then, that the late 20s are quite boring and the fun starts up again at 30??? Oh geez...I sure hope not. I thrive off of the prizes....I thrive off of pursuing and successfully obtaining the prize. And right now, there's no prize being dangling in front of me...and boy is it a blessing boring.

And sue me for sounding like a complete overachiever. It just is what it is.

1 comment:

  1. i dot think life is boring in the slightest. Sure we can think of things that we would prefer to be doing at specific times, but we are always grateful for what we have. Remember, The grass isn't always greener on the other side, what ever that other side may be for you.

    Sara, Wiltshire Homes
