Friday, December 31, 2010

25 and retiring - the intro

Since September 2009, I've been dreaming...

dreaming of retirement.

Before the real world is introduced (more affectionately known as 'death after college'), most young fearless leaders, like myself, dream of the day we will become a renowned [insert occupation intended for use with prestigious college degree here]. The money, well that's a very important secondary dream. But first and foremost we want to be darn good at what we do one day. That dream keeps us in school, trudging through grueling courses and withstanding numerous coffee and stress induced all-nighters for four, sometimes five, years straight.

I think somewhere between the moment the first pay stub is received, outlining a fabulous salary (less taxes and gratuity), the moment the first student loan bill is received (let's just mentally add this to the gratuities), and approximately one year into the occupation we were once so passionate about, the dream switches...

...from renowned [blah blah blah] retirement.

Motivation was so much higher striving to attain a 4-year degree. After all, it only took four years. The renowned status...who the hell knows how long that will take. So what in the world do I want to start becoming ready for at the age of 24? (in no particular order)

1) Marriage? (no sign of that jussst yet)
2) Children? (please refer to number one)
3) Homeownership? (hmmm I should probably figure out where I actually want to live)
4) Reitrement? (I for sure know, regardless of how one, two, and three go down, I got this one comin' !)

So there ya have it...I'm 25 (well actually 24 but 25 just sounds better for a blog and represents an age group of about 22-30 for all intents and purposes of my blog title)


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